Let's Meme

It is commonly known that meme coins are the hardest runners in crypto and heavily rely on community, raiding, and memes. Meme AI Apps offers a number of apps with cutting-edge technology for generating memes, aimed towards allowing any crypto community to generate funny memes and art.

memes are meant to be shared

MemeAI Apps

In today's era, the demand for memes is constantly increasing, especially in the crypto space where memecoins run the hardest and memes are used by communities to promote them.Although there's several generic meme generators online, Meme AI Apps is here to offer AI-generated memes of high quality along with other useful utilities. $MEMEAI is aimed to be a full blown meme-generation suite for crypto communities.

Meme Generation

Use our TG bot to generate funny captivating memes of high quality.

Edit Memes

Our apps allow you to edit the generated memes, remove the background, add filters, crop them and so on.

GIF Generation

Holders will be able to generate gifs by combining all the generated memes.

Telegram bot

Meme Generation Bot

Use our full blown TG bot to generate endless memes.

Text Generation

Decide what is the narrative or main text of the meme to be generated

Image Generation

AI guides you with text narrative, it then uses that text to create a suitable meme image.

Meme Creation

Our bot combines all the previous information and provides you with the meme.

$MEMEAI Tiers & Pricing

Token Gated Apps

Our MemeAI Apps are token gated, which means you have to connect your wallet to fully enjoy and use the utilities. The more $MEMEAI you hold, the better. However, non-holders can use our bot up to 3 times a day *.

Mini Memer


10 meme generations a day. Pay an extra $0.02 per meme within the same day to generate more.

Medium Memer


20 meme generations a day. Pay an extra $0.02 per meme within the same day to generate more.

Mega Memer


Endless meme generations on a daily basis. No extra charging. Whales deserve more memes.

* During our beta / launch phase, users are able to test the bot before we move over to the token gated version.

Wallet Connect

Authenticate your wallet from within our MemeAI bot to enjoy the benefits.

© 2023 Meme AI Apps - All rights reserved.